Google launches first developer preview of Android 13 with new features

By Abdul Rafay - Feb 11, 2022

Yesterday from the Android developer blog Google launches Android 13 developer preview 1, this update was preceded by an Android 12 update that many devices still waiting for.
Google launches first developer preview of Android 13 with new features
This developer preview version is only for developers, they will test their apps and give feedback to google it's not suitable for the used daily driver this preview update is available to download for only pixels users.

The pixels devices for which this update are available

  • Google 6 Pro
  • Google 6
  • Google 5a 5G
  • Google 5
  • Google 4a 5G
  • Google 4a
  • Google 4 XL
  • Google 4
The company is focusing on security and privacy features. New android 13 focuses on building a high-quality and safer environment provide to its users.
Google launches first developer preview of Android 13 with new features
Android 13 brings an optimized way of securely sharing cloud-based and local images, which is called an image picker. Its new feature allows users to share images and videos without the app needing permissions. New Android 13 also brings NEARBY_Wi-Fi_DEVICES permission, giving apps a list of nearby devices without the need for location permission. The process of adding custom tiles Quick Settings will be streamlined with a new API.

Abdul Rafay

Abdul Rafay is the tech enthusiast person he loves to write about technology and share information to everyone.