It's been a while since Sony unveiled the Sony PS5, its fifth-generation PlayStation game console. The business is ready to introduce a new, thinner version in 2019. According to reports, Sony and Honda may use the PlayStation 5 as an entertainment system in the following intelligent cars amid rumors of a new version of the PS5. As they prepare to compete with Tesla, Sony and Honda are considering fitting a PS5 into their forthcoming entertainment-focused electric vehicle.
Detailed Information
A PlayStation 5 could be included in upcoming electric vehicles from Sony and Honda to rival Elon Musk's Tesla. The business plans to produce electric vehicles with entertainment capabilities, including music, movies, and the PS5, after the debut of Sony Honda Mobility in September. Izumi Kawanishi, head of robotics at Sony and president of the joint venture, claims that it is "technologically conceivable" to include a PlayStation 5 inside automobiles.
According to Izumi Kawanishi, President of Sony Honda Mobility, founded in September, the PlayStation 5 platform can potentially be used in their automobiles. He has not embellished on this integration or said whether they would attempt it.
He claims that the businesses intend to create electric automobiles centered around a top-notch entertainment experience using music, movies, and gaming.In addition to adding an
AMD RDNA 2 graphics chip that Tesla CEO Elon Musk claimed is "essentially at the level of a PlayStation 5" during a demo, Tesla began shipping its most recent Model S and X vehicles with wider horizontal screens last year. More than a year later, only the
original 2D Sonic the Hedgehog has been released, despite Musk's promises for notable titles like Cyberpunk 2077 and a demo for Steam in August.
According to Kawanishi, Tesla doesn't offer any content services, which may indicate that the business intends to concentrate more on the entertainment component for the forthcoming automobiles. Unbeknownst to many, Sony Honda Mobility intends to introduce its first electric vehicle model to the North American market by 2025. This joint venture's ultimate goal is to introduce fully autonomous vehicles.